Friday, February 15, 2013

Week of February 18-22

Students will watch CNN and we will have C.O.W. in the classroom on Monday to finish up the Legislative Webquest online project from last Friday.

Monday night is Open House and Parent Teacher Conferences.  Students have been encouraged to attend and help share with parents what has been happening in their class.  Note:  Students will get service learning hours for working at the 8th grade booth.

Tuesday - Thursday: You be the Teacher Project / Due February 25
Students will be divided into four groups. Each group will be assigned a portion of Chapter 8 to create a "mini" lesson to present in class. Students will have three in class work days to prepare their lesson. Students will use their book and handouts from Ms. Harper that contain specific informatin that should be included in their presentation. C.O.W. will be available for students to create any media or handouts to accompany their lesson. Students should be ready to present their lesson in class on Monday, February 25.

In addition, students will also be assigned vocabulary for Chapter 8 to complete on their own (or if their group finishes the project early). The vocabulary will be due Monday, February 25.

Friday - There is no school on Friday.  

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