Monday, February 11, 2013

The week of February 11 - February 15

MONDAY - We watched CNN Student News today.  We also went over the last two slides of Part 2 of The Struggle for Equality power point (you can find the link for this in previous post).  Topics discussed were the 26th Amendment and current voter ID legislation. We watched an interview on Need to Know regarding the current Voter ID laws.  We discussed that the state of Wisconsin passed a Voter ID law, but two judges blocked the legislation prior to the 2012 Presidential Election.

Students spent the remaining class time working on their assignment Chapter 7 Section 2 Interactive Reading Guide - it is due tomorrow (Tuesday).

Additional articles on Voter ID laws:
Pro Publica.Org
Washington Post

Tuesday we will finish Part 3 of the Struggle for Equality Power Point.  You can find the guide for it here.  Students will turn in their Chapter 7 Section 2 Interactive Reading Guide for credit.

Wednesday we make note cards for the test and we will play the test review game for Chapter 7.

Thursday we will take the Chapter 7 Test.

Friday we will begin Chapter 8 which will focus on The Legislative Branch.


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