Thursday, February 28, 2013

Thursday, February 28

We are finishing up student presentations today for Chapter 8. Tommorrow students will be given a copy of the Chapter 8 Review Guide to create a notecard for the test. Students will work on the notecard during class tomorrow. The Chapter 8 Test is stills scheduled for next Tuesday. Many classes watched the following video:

Monday, February 25, 2013

Week of February 25 - March 1

Monday - Thursday 
You Be The Teacher activity. Students will be presenting their section of Chapter 8 – The Legislative Branch this week from their YOU BE THE TEACHER activity. 
Also, Vocabulary for Chapter 8 is due Monday.
Students may have assignments from student presented lessons.
Friday, March 1  - Students will receive a study guide to create a note card/study for the chapter test next week.
Looking ahead to next week....
Monday, March 4 - Chapter 8 Review Game
Tuesday, March 5 - Chapter 8 Test
Students will present their lessons
Ch8 Vocabulary

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

February 19-21

Tuesday, February 19, Wednesday, February 20 and Thursday, February 21
Students are working in groups to prepare a presentation their section of Chapter 8.  Students were given a RUBRIC (You Be the Teacher) with a checklist of expectations.  Students were also shown the links for Section 1, Section 2, and Section 3&4 where they can find the most pertinent information for their section. 

Chapter 8 Vocabulary was also assigned today.  It is due on Monday, February 25.

Students will spend the next three days in class preparing their lesson.  Students will present their lessons next Monday.

Monday, February 18, 2013

Monday, February 18

Happy President's Day! 

In class today students continued their legislative webquest.  It is due tomorrow!m 

Parent Teacher Conferences and Open House is scheduled for tonight.  Please stop by the middle school and see some of the great projects hanging on the walls!

Friday, February 15, 2013

Week of February 18-22

Students will watch CNN and we will have C.O.W. in the classroom on Monday to finish up the Legislative Webquest online project from last Friday.

Monday night is Open House and Parent Teacher Conferences.  Students have been encouraged to attend and help share with parents what has been happening in their class.  Note:  Students will get service learning hours for working at the 8th grade booth.

Tuesday - Thursday: You be the Teacher Project / Due February 25
Students will be divided into four groups. Each group will be assigned a portion of Chapter 8 to create a "mini" lesson to present in class. Students will have three in class work days to prepare their lesson. Students will use their book and handouts from Ms. Harper that contain specific informatin that should be included in their presentation. C.O.W. will be available for students to create any media or handouts to accompany their lesson. Students should be ready to present their lesson in class on Monday, February 25.

In addition, students will also be assigned vocabulary for Chapter 8 to complete on their own (or if their group finishes the project early). The vocabulary will be due Monday, February 25.

Friday - There is no school on Friday.  

Friday, February 15

Chapter 7 Tests were graded and given back today.  You can check your score on Skyward.  Students then worked with a partner on a Legislative Webquest.   This is not homework.  Students will complete this project in class on Monday.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Thursday, February 14

Happy Valentine's Day!  My special treat for everyone today was the Chapter 7 Test!  This assessment covered all the material from Chapter 7 from the last two weeks.  Students were allowed to make a notecard for today's test.

Tomorrow we will start Chapter 8 in our textbook on The Legislative Branch of Government.  We will be using the C.O.W.  (computers on wheels) in our class to complete a legislative webquest

Do you know who your newest Wisconsin United States Senator is?


Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Wednesday, February 13

Today, the Chapter 7 Study Guide was handed out.  Students were encouraged to make a note card for the test tomorrow.  Students also watched CNN Student News and played a review game for the test.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Tuesday, February 12

Today students turned in their Chapter 7 Section 2 Interactive Reading Guide from Friday.  Students watched CNN Student News.  Students also completed Part 3 of the Struggle for Equality Power Point guide. 

Students were asked to please bring a note card to class tomorrow.  They are to create a note card from the Chapter 7 Study Guide on Wednesday to use on the Chapter 7 test.  The test is scheduled for Thursday.

Monday, February 11, 2013

The week of February 11 - February 15

MONDAY - We watched CNN Student News today.  We also went over the last two slides of Part 2 of The Struggle for Equality power point (you can find the link for this in previous post).  Topics discussed were the 26th Amendment and current voter ID legislation. We watched an interview on Need to Know regarding the current Voter ID laws.  We discussed that the state of Wisconsin passed a Voter ID law, but two judges blocked the legislation prior to the 2012 Presidential Election.

Students spent the remaining class time working on their assignment Chapter 7 Section 2 Interactive Reading Guide - it is due tomorrow (Tuesday).

Additional articles on Voter ID laws:
Pro Publica.Org
Washington Post

Tuesday we will finish Part 3 of the Struggle for Equality Power Point.  You can find the guide for it here.  Students will turn in their Chapter 7 Section 2 Interactive Reading Guide for credit.

Wednesday we make note cards for the test and we will play the test review game for Chapter 7.

Thursday we will take the Chapter 7 Test.

Friday we will begin Chapter 8 which will focus on The Legislative Branch.


Friday, February 8, 2013

Friday, February 8

Today we were playing catch up since we had a snow day yesterday.  We watched CNN Student News and the Civil Rights Movement was on the news.  This was a great connection to our lessons this week about equality.  After the news, the students were given the Chapter 7 Section 2 Interactive Reading GuideThis homework assignment is due Tuesday.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Wednesday, February 6

Today we had a shorter class time because of the delayed start.  If you missed class make sure you watch the attached clip from Iron Jawed Angels.  In class today, we watched the clip and we read about Alice Paul from the Alice Paul Worksheet.  There was no homework assignment.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Tuesday, February 5

Today, all graded assignments were handed back.  We went over the worksheet from the movie, The Children's March.  Part 2 of the power point "Struggle for Equality" was revisited.  The African American struggle for the right to vote was completed - and we visited the PBS website link (on the power point) that walked us through the effort to try and vote - even taking a literacy test.  We listened to an audio clip from PBS of an African American man tell his story of voting.  We started Women's Suffrage on the power point - up to the Sojourner Truth slide.  Tomorrow, we will start with Alice Paul and Iron Jawed Angels. 

Monday, February 4, 2013

Monday, February 4

Today, I collected the Ch7 Vocabulary and the Ch7 Power Notes from Sec1.  If you were absent, make sure you get this assignment turned in tomorrow.  Students watched the movie, The Children's March.  There was a movie guide that was completed during the movie and turned in at the end of class.  The guide is available under Chapter 7 documents.  If you were absent, you need to watch this movie during your study hall so you can complete the worksheet.

Friday, February 1, 2013

Friday, February 1

Today, we finished the Struggle for Equality Part 1 Power Point.  We watched the video clip on the murder of Emmett Till.  I mentioned that I would try and find more recent information involving this case. Here is a link involving the case being reopened:
Emmett Till Case Reopened!

Also, we took a 10 question QUIZ over this information.  Scores for the quiz should be entered on Skyward by the end of the day.

We started Part 2 of the Struggle for Equality Power Point.

DUE MONDAY:  Power Notes and Vocabulary.
The interactive reading guide for Chapter 7 Section 2 was NOT assigned today.

Next Week, February 4-8:
Monday, we will watch the video The Children's March and complete the movie guide.
Tuesday, we will continue the Voting part of the power point and visit the PBS website to see what trying to vote would have been like under Jim Crow laws in the South.
Wednesday we will get to women's suffrage and learn about Alice Paul.
Thursday students will work on an interactive reading guide for Chapter 7 Section 2.
Friday students will finish the Struggle for Equality Power Point.

February 11-15
Monday students will play a review game for Chapter 7.
Tuesday students will have the Chapter 7 test.  Students can and are encouraged to use a note card on the test.