Monday, November 2, 2015

Civics' Lesson Plans for November 2 - November 6

Tuesday, November 3
Understanding connections with Political Cartoon and Current Events

CNN News
Political Cartoon Project

No Homework

Wednesday, November 4
Understanding connections with Political Cartoon and Current Events

CNN News
Students will present their Political Cartoon Project

No Homework

Thursday, November 5
Students will discover various elements of our Founding Father’s characteristics that led them to rebel against England and create a nation.
CNN News
Founding Fathers -
Rebels with a Cause
Video and Essay Assignment
Finish Essay (due Tuesday)

Friday, November 6
8th Grade Career Day Field Trip
Wisconsin Teaching Standards -
Social Studies
C.8.1 Identify and explain democracy's basic principles, including individual rights, responsibility for the common good, equal opportunity, equal protection of the laws, freedom of speech, justice, and majority rule with protection for minority rights

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