Thursday, August 28, 2014

Welcome Back! Lesson Plans week of September 2- 5

What is Civics?
Tuesday, September 2
(24 minute classes)

Objective:  Getting to know you activity
Introduction warm up kinesthetic activity with students.

:  You are like me if…
Homework:  None
WednesdaySeptember 3 (25 minute classes)

Objective:  Organization of Civics class. 
Go over classroom expectations – hand out syllabus.
Activity:  Discuss class expectations.  RRRS (Respectful, Responsible, Ready, Safe)
Discuss Service Learning
Homework:  None
Thursday – September 4
Objective:  Students will learn how to take effective and efficient notes.  There will be a lecture and hand out on NOTE TAKING

  Note taking.  Assign books to students

Homework:  None
Friday – September 5
Objective:  Are you an American?  Who is an American?  Students will learn how our population came to be so diverse.

  CNN News – explain and watch
Chapter 1 / Section 1 - Notes on where Americans live. 
Homework: None

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