Friday, March 22, 2013

Lesson Plans
Week of March 24 - March 28

Monday – Friday

C.O.W. will be in the classroom to use for research all week.
Don't forget if you signed up to volunteer at the benefit at the Bowling Alley in Spring Green on Saturday, March 30th!
There will be a subsitute teacher this week for Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday.
Students are researching material for their class topic and preparing a portfolio/documentation binder/and presentation.
Students explored samples from previous portfolios.
Students reviewed easy bib and how to create an annotated bibliography.
Students used their essay planner to begin their research.
The project's deadlines are established on this form:Project Citizen Important Deadlines
Each group must have 10 sources by the end of this week.
Each group must have their draft essay completed by Thursday, March 28
This project is an in class project – however there may be various activities students need to work on outside of class as deemed necessary by their group.
Completed Projects must be completed by Thursday, April 22.

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