Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Lesson Plans for Week of December 1 - December 6 - UPDATED

Ideas for Service Learning Opportunities:
Shovel snow for an elderly or disabled neighbor.
Ring the Bell for the Salvation Army -
The Principles of a Market Economy
CNN News
Read Chapter 14 Sec 1
Vocabulary Chapter 14
 (12 words)
Finish Vocabulary by Friday, December 6
The Principles of a Market Economy
CNN News
Power Point on Chapter 14 Sec 1
Take Notes

Homework:  Page 380 Analyze the supply and demand graph and answer questions 1 and 2.  Due Tomorrow
Role of Business and the Economy

CNN News
Students will read Chapter 14 Sec 2 and complete POWER NOTES over the section.
Finish Power Notes
Thursday & Friday
Labor in the American Economy
Section 3 OPEN Notes
CNN News
Students will watch two video clips about labor unions:

No HOMEWORK  (this was changed)
Labor in the American Economy
CNN News
Finish Power Point from Friday on Ch 14 Sec 3

Labor/Management Negotiation Simulation
Students will be divided into two teams – labor or management.  They will need to negotiate to create a contract and attempt to meet their demands.
Students will be given the Labor Management simulation notes.  Students   must prepare for a simulation to take place on Friday.

Monday, November 25, 2013

Lesson Plans week of November 25-November 28

Monday - Tuesday
“A Guide to Giving Back”
Students were divided into groups and have been working on a book research documentary related to different types of needs in the community/world
Students had 2 weeks to complete project.
Projects are due this Tuesday, November 26.

Presentation of projects will be Tuesday!
Wednesday Invisible Children. Students will watch a documentary about a group of college students who created an organization to help Child Soldiers from Uganda in Africa.  This is an example of others who have "given back" - today's youth making a difference.
Visit Invisible Children's Website by clicking here to learn more.

You can read an article about the organization in Gandhi's BE Magazine by clicking here

Thursday and Friday – Thanksgiving Break

Monday, November 18, 2013

Lesson Plans for the week of November 18-22

" Guide to Giving Back"

this project is being continued from last week.
Monday - Friday“A Guide to Giving Back”
ActivitiesThis week students are working on interviewing individuals related to their project, creating a transcript, an annotated bibliography, poster and the final documentary video that relates to their topic. 

You can find the assignment worksheet here: “A Guide to Giving Back”
Monday, November 25 – Students will present their projects.

Monday, November 11, 2013

Lesson Plans week of November 11 - November 14

Parent Teacher Conferences this week!  Parent teacher conferences are scheduled for Tuesday evening.  Friday morning you can drop in to see your child’s teacher from 8-11.
Monday - Thursday
“A Guide to Giving Back”
Students will be divided into groups and work on a book research documentary related to different types of needs in the community/world

You can find the assignment worksheet here:  “A Guide to Giving Back”
Friday – Parent Teacher Conferences from 8 -11 

Monday, November 4, 2013

Week of November 5 - November 8

Students will be testing in the morning on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.
Tuesday & Wednesday
Block Scheduling
39 min classes

Rubric Here:
Students will be divided into groups and work on a book research documentary related to different types of needs in the community/world
To be determined by each group leader for their project.
Students will have 2 weeks to complete project.
Thursday – 20 minute classes
Continue the "Guide to Giving Back" Project work
Friday No Civics’ class.  WKCE testing in morning and students will be watching a movie after lunch.